Genacross Leader Confirmed to LeadingAge Ohio Board of Directors
LeadingAge Ohio, Ohio’s voice for the continuum of long-term services and supports, has announced that its membership has confirmed Rick Marshall, President/CEO of Genacross Lutheran Services, to its Board of Directors as part of the class of 2024.
“Rick has been a strong voice for aging services in his area, leading in Statehouse advocacy and building relationships with his local policymakers,” stated Kathryn Brod, President/CEO of LeadingAge Ohio. “He will bring an important voice to the Board, and represent Genacross and the Northwest Ohio region well.”
“I am honored to be elected to the LeadingAge Ohio Board of Directors,” Mr. Marshall said. “The organization is active in working with government agencies to advocate on behalf of elders in our communities, and it is through our collective voices that we raise awareness of the needs of those we serve.”
Other directors elected for a first term include: Brett Kirkpatrick, President & CEO, Community First Solutions (Hamilton, OH); Eric Murray, Executive Director of Senior Services, Heritage Manor – Youngstown Area Jewish Federation (Youngstown, OH); Teresa Spitznagel, SVP, Chief Growth Officer, United Church Homes (Marion, OH); Danielle Willis, Senior Vice President, Employee Engagement & Chief Diversity Officer, National Church Residences (Columbus, OH); and Jimmy Wilson, Vice President, Affordable Living, Episcopal Retirement Services, Inc. (Cincinnati, OH).
The confirmation occurred during LeadingAge Ohio’s Annual Business meeting in September. Mr. Marshall and the others begin a three-year term, with the option to serve for an additional three years.
LeadingAge Ohio
Founded in 1937, LeadingAge Ohio is a nonprofit organization located in Columbus, Ohio, that represents nearly 400 long-term care organizations and hospices, as well as those providing ancillary health care and housing services, in more than 150 Ohio towns and cities. The majority of members are nonprofit providers. The continuum of care reflected by the member organizations serve an estimated 400,000 elderly Ohioans daily and employ more than 35,000 persons statewide. For more information, please visit
Genacross Lutheran Services
Genacross Lutheran Services, which has its headquarters in Toledo, Ohio, has been serving people in need since 1860. Today, more than 3,500 people of all ages throughout northwest Ohio and southeast Michigan benefit from Genacross programs and services that foster compassionate care and wellness in many areas of life. Genacross Lutheran Services is a nonprofit, Christian organization that employs more than 650 people and is supported by nearly 170 Lutheran congregations across the region. For more information, please visit