About Us

A Foundation of Dedication
Inspired by the Christian faith, we embrace individuals and families with compassionate care and services throughout life’s journey.
Through our faith and work, we strive to be a forward-thinking, compassionate organization that improves the lives of current and future generations.
Core Values
Faithfulness to Christ: As part of the Church, we perform our work in response to Jesus Christ and as an extension of His ministry.
Equality and Justice: We recognize the equality of all persons in our offering of services and the opportunity for services, advocating justice and seeking to develop and balance all resources at our disposal to serve vulnerable persons with more intense needs.
Wholeness of Life: We recognize and value the life and inherent worth of each person, helping individuals experience dignity and the fullest level of his or her physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and vocational ability.
Integrity: We value and demonstrate honesty, fairness and trustworthiness in all of our relationships.
Quality of Service: We seek to deliver services of the highest quality possible by demonstrating competence, continuous improvement, innovation and creativity.
Stewardship of Resources: We exercise faithful stewardship of our financial resources and physical assets, and we are responsible and accountable for their proper deployment in the work of our ministry.

Genacross Lutheran Services has earned the following accreditations that confirm our ongoing commitment to quality service and ethical conduct and reflect our Mission and Core Values:
The Better Business Bureau (BBB) is America’s oldest and largest agency dedicated to the pursuit of honesty and integrity in the marketplace. BBB certification attests to the trustworthiness and ethical conduct in governance and fundraising processes of member organizations. Genacross became a BBB Accredited Charity in January 2012 through the BBB of Northwest and West Central Ohio and Southeast Michigan.
CARF International is an independent, nonprofit accreditor of health and human service providers that focuses on advancing the quality of services to facilitate the best possible outcomes. Genacross Family & Youth Services is CARF accredited for Residential Treatment, Outpatient Mental Health Treatment, Day Treatment and Case Management/Services Coordination for children and adolescents. In addition, the ministry has CARF accreditation for Case Management/Services Coordination and Outpatient Mental Health Treatment for adults.
The Ohio Association of Nonprofit Organizations (OANO) is the only statewide membership association that reflects the full diversity of the nonprofit sector in Ohio. OANO is committed to bolstering public confidence in and support for the nonprofit sector through its Standards for Excellence certification. Genacross has achieved this distinction since 2003.

Genacross Lutheran Services is honored to be affiliated with the following organizations that support our mission and ministry:
Lutheran Services in America
Genacross Lutheran Services is a member of Lutheran Services in America (LSA), one of the largest health and human services networks in the United States with over $22 billion in annual revenue. LSA represents over 300 Lutheran social ministry organizations and works to connect and empower its member organizations, which serve 6 million people (1 in 50) in the U.S. each year. LSA envisions a network of connected, strong and thriving Lutheran social ministries that transform the lives of people and communities.
Locally, Genacross Lutheran Services is a member of Lutheran Services in America – Ohio (LSA Ohio).
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Genacross is affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). The ELCA is a church that shares a living, daring confidence in God’s grace. This faith comes through the good news of Jesus Christ and gives members the freedom and the courage to wonder, discover and boldly participate in what God is up to in the world. The ELCA has more than 8,900 worshiping communities across the United States and the Caribbean region, and over 3.3 million members.
The ELCA is comprised of 65 regional synods. Genacross has ministry sites within the Northwestern Ohio Synod and the Southeast Michigan Synod.
Lutheran Church — Missouri Synod
Genacross is recognized by The Lutheran Church — Missouri Synod (LCMS) as a social ministry organization. The LCMS, headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri, is mission-oriented and Bible-based. LCMS doctrine reflects the teachings of Dr. Martin Luther and the reformers, summarized in three phrases: Grace alone, Faith alone and Scripture alone. Today, the LCMS has nearly 2 million baptized members in more than 6,000 congregations and some 9,000 pastors.
The LCMS is made up of 35 districts. Genacross has ministry sites in the Ohio District and the Michigan District.
Genacross is a member of LeadingAge, an association whose mission is to be the trusted voice for aging. LeadingAge represents more than 5,000 nonprofit aging services providers and other mission-minded organizations that touch millions of lives every day. LeadingAge is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charitable organization focused on education, advocacy and applied research.
LeadingAge Ohio
Genacross is a member of LeadingAge Ohio, a nonprofit trade association that is an affiliate of the national organization. LeadingAge Ohio represents approximately 400 long-term care organizations and hospices, as well as those providing ancillary health care and housing services, in more than 150 Ohio towns and cities. The continuum of care reflected by the member organizations serves an estimated 400,000 elderly Ohioans annually.
- Nicole Amadio
- Rev. Stephen Bauerle
- Stephen Bowe
- Maria Cook
- Jeffrey Dempsey
- Rev. Ann Marshall
- Rev. Todd Milner
- Kevin Rahe
- Paul Sieben, Vice Chair
- Mark Snyder
- Melissa Warner, Secretary
- Lee Wunschel, Chair
Casey Amonette
Executive Director, Genacross Lutheran Services-Napoleon Campus
Michael A. George, CFRE
Executive Director, Genacross Lutheran Services Foundation
W. Richard Marshall
President and Chief Executive Officer
Katie Miller
Executive Director, Genacross Lutheran Services-Wolf Creek Campus
Lorinda Schalk
Senior Vice President of Finance & Operations
Amanda Schroeder
Vice President of Home & Community Based Services
Rebecca Snow
Director of Human Resources
Katie Zawisza
Executive Director, Genacross Family & Youth Services